Thor Hammer Time

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Thors Hammer Tattoo

Alright, a fair warning to everyone. Many people have let me know that they dislike this chapter. That's fine and everything, I can even understand it to a degree, but it still provides information that I would have put into an author's note otherwise.

Pictures to gif 1 4 0 4. 'Whosoever lifts this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the Power of Thor.' With those words, words that shook Reality, Thor drew back his arm, took one last wheezing breath, and then threw his weapon away into the void, for the very last time, making it shoot off at several times the speed of light. It's Hammer Time is the seventeenth episode of Power Rangers Operation Overdrive. 1 Synopsis 2 Plot 3 Cast 4 Errors 5 Notes 6 See Also In the search for another jewel, the Rangers encounter Thor, the god of thunder. Thor agrees to save them, but takes the hammer. When the real Thor appears, he exposes the impostor as Loki, the god of mischief. Ronny feels guilty for losing the hammer.

It contains a lot of information that is handed to you right away, in the form of shameless fourth wall-breaking. But like I said, these were matters I was getting a lot of questions about, and I wanted to answer them, but not in a boring note at the end. So this chapter was born as a result.

You are of course not required to read it. If you dislike Fourth-Wall-breaking and a lot of telling instead of showing, feel free to skip this chapter. I can't guarantee though that you'll understand everything from this chapter on in the story.

This note was added to the chapter because people complained about it, mainly its style, but I don't want to remove it. Maybe I can rewrite it sometime, when my writing-skills have improved, or when someone has a better idea of presenting all this information, but no guarantees.

So hereby the warning: INFODUMP AHEAD!

Thank you for your attention. Please enjoy your reading of this chapter, or the next.

The two brothers

The Omniverse was a crazy, mindboggling place. It held an infinite number of worlds, verses, dimensions, realms and more. Some of the dimensions were very much alike, with only mere details being different. Other verses were so completely unlike each other that one would think they belonged in different realities altogether. Yet for all of its immeasurable vastness, the Omniverse had a distinct shape. It was roughly shaped like a sphere.

In the middle of said sphere, in the heart of creation, laid a castle. Not a castle as you would see on Earth though. No, this castle, this place of residence, was far greater than anything on Earth or anywhere else in the Omniverse.

The very center of reality, this 'building' was splendour and grandness. Far beyond anything a mortal could ever understand or even perceive. Even Gods that reigned supreme in their own universes would find themselves tiny and insignificant compared to the Heart.

It was here, at the birthplace of the current reality, that a three-faced golden man sat. He was seated on a throne, feet on the ground and arms on the armrests. He was shaped like a human, barring the previously mentioned three faces and golden colour. His size was that of a mountain, but in the gigantic castle, he seemed like a normal man in proportion.

This was the Living Tribunal. One of the two first beings created by the One-Above-All. He was subsequently also one of the two most powerful beings of the Omniverse. He was so close to omnipotent that no being below multiversal level could ever understand or perceive the difference between his power and true Omnipotence. Another trait he shared with his insufferable brother.

His three faces represented three concepts. The front face, the one that spoke to others the most, was Equity. The fully hooded face on the right was Necessity and the partially hooded face on the left was Just Revenge. The three faces had to agree on all matters before the Living Tribunal would act. Fortunately, the discussions seldom lasted long.

He was the Guardian of reality, the spill that kept it all going. He had been charged with maintaining the Balance of All. The Balance of All was, as its name said, the delicate balance of the Omniverse. It was what made it possible for creation to keep existing. It was a scale for many things; Power, Life, Death, Space, Time and more. Everything had to be measured and controlled, lest the consequences be disastrous.

Being the Living Tribunal was a busy existence. He was billions, if not trillions of years old and had had his work cut out for him on every single day of all those years.

From Universes obtaining more power than they had the rights to, to species of sentient and non-sentient beings alike becoming too advanced and battle-crazy for their own good, and thus wiping out entire dimensions if he did not stop them.

There were Elder beings that should have died in previous universes that had to be culled, most famously the First Armament. Somewhere else a chain reaction had started in a star, which would result in a supernova and the subsequent destruction of a planet that still had a role to play in the big scheme of things.

And all of that had occurred during only the previous second, with hundreds of disasters happening alongside them. He alone had to stop it all from happening. All by himself, with nothing but his own power.

Not that such things mattered to him. He was always active, never once closing his eyes. He did not need sleep, rest or sustainment. He was eternal and very close to infallible. Every universe currently existing had a copy of him in it, and every one of those copies, even all put together, were still only a meager manifestation of his true power.

He was the Living Tribunal, the oldest. Nothing would stop him from carrying out his duty. Nothing could stop him, nothing could impede him. In his task, no one could stand in his way…

'Hello brother-dear!'

Except one.

His thoughts interrupted, the Living Tribunal looked up towards the only being that could in fact hinder him, the only being as powerful and old as he. His 'dear' brother: The Beyonder.

'Greetings yourself, brother.' The front face, Equity, responded calmly. 'I take it you know why I have summoned you here?'

His brother's grin widened. It was a curious thing, that grin. The Beyonder had worn it ever since that day two billion years after they were both created, when he saw the first mortal he had ever met, an Archetopian Mamakklie, grin at someone. Ever since then, his brother grinned whenever he was in a form that allowed grinning. When asked about it, he replied that he just liked it. Grinning seemed to make him happy.

The grin was by no means always present on his face though. When faced with upsetting matters, it slipped away easily, sometimes for entire centuries if the case was dire enough, such as the time he had been forced to erase an innocent universe. Happy holidaze 1 0 4.

It did always spring back at some point or another, however, when the Beyonder had overcome his inner turmoil and had found light in his life again.

It was a glaring difference between the brothers. Whereas the Living Tribunal was made to be the perfect judge, objective, omniscient, and mostly emotionless, the Beyonder was created as a force of chaos. Always making trouble for everyone everywhere, with no end to his mischief.

The Beyonder often made friends with whomever he considered interesting, and would mourn when those beings passed away.

The latest of those beings happening to be the Odinson himself.

The Living Tribunal had felt and seen the demise of Thor, and he had to admit that even he felt sadness and grief at the Asgardian's passing. He did not let it impede him, but he did feel it.

He was well-aware of the plan their boss had conceived, to pass on the Skyfather's power to a worthy wielder as soon as possible. The Living Tribunal had not been informed beforehand as to who this new wielder was supposed to be, and had thus followed Mjolnir until it had arrived at its destination. This new wielder was now revealed to be Emiya Shirou. It was an interesting choice, but the Living Tribunal approved of it.

Still, it was because of matters surrounding the new god of thunder that he had called his brother to appear before him. The Living Tribunal and the Beyonder had agreed with each other not to interfere with Mjolnir's process of choosing, even going so far as to shroud their vision from whom would be chosen. Even though they were both close to omniscient, they did not allow themselves to know who the hammer would go to before it had already arrived.

Yet his brother had now directly interfered, going against their agreements, and had placed a cloak and shield around the Emiya. The Living Tribunal had a good idea as to why his brother had done so, but still thought it prudent to summon him to the Heart to explain himself. If he had a good reason, then all would be forgiven. If he did not, then the golden being would have to give his sibling the cold shoulder for a while.

'Of course.' His brother said, bringing the Living Tribunal's attention back to him. 'I knew you'd call me, I already anticipated that from the moment I reached out to little Shirou to aid him for a bit.'

The Living Tribunal leaned forward at that.

'Good. Then you most likely have a good cause for your actions, or at least an excuse prepared.' He rumbled, hoping the Beyonder did in fact have an excuse. 'What exactly did you do? I have not looked through the cloak yet because I wanted to give you a chance to explain, so please take that chance and tell me what you wished to achieve with the cloak and the warning.'

'You could have looked through the cloak, brother.' The Beyonder replied carelessly, waving a hand in a throw-away motion. 'There's nothing there that I wanted to keep a secret from you. The cloak and the warning were to drive away any being that might want to claim Mjolnir for itself. Now that Thor is dead, many creatures, foolish creatures, will try to obtain his power. I merely scared them away for now.'

'Why though? Should the new wielder not be able to take care of any challengers himself?'

'Maybe, but I reasoned that giving him more time to get acquainted with Mjolnir would be better for his growth than making him fight blustering fools from other universes right away. There are already plenty of those on his planet, let him deal with those first, before forcing him to fight interdimensional threats.'

The Living Tribunal frowned, pondering this over. He could see what his brother was going for here and it wasn't like he disagreed with the sentiment. It was perhaps indeed wiser to let Emiya Shirou be for now, and to let the protections his brother had raised remain in place.

'Very well.' He intoned. 'But be aware that as soon as he is done in his own universe, we will take him to serve the Omniverse at large. That means you will have to remove your spells. Letting challengers come to him is the better option.'

'If he agrees to it.' The Beyonder said, a serious look entering his eyes, even as the grin remained in place.

'Is there any doubt he will agree to aid and protect the Omniverse?'

'No, but remember it is important to ask people for their opinions when you are planning on doing something that involves them. We can't just rip him away, declare him a hero and then throw him out into the Omniverse. You know that.'

The Living Tribunal nodded, he did indeed know that.

He then turned around, looked towards Emiya Shirou and pierced the veil around him. Now both the Beyonder and The Living Tribunal could see through it, but any other being not from the Nasu-Verse would find nothing there.

The matter now settled, he leaned back in his seat, dismissing his brother from his presence. It was time for him to go back to managing the Omniverse. The task he was created for.

One could wonder at this moment as to why heroes would be needed to protect reality when the Living Tribunal was already on the case. The reason for that was relatively simple; In the grand plan of the One-Above-All, it had to be mortals who dealt with mortal matters. The three-headed being could indeed deal with all threats, but some, or actually, most, threats were beneath him. They did not warrant his attention, like a mosquito did not warrant a nuclear bomb.

Heroes, like Thor, like Iron Man, like Doctor Strange, were needed to deal with the lower levels of threats. Like supervillains, meteors and comets coming for planets that didn't have a role to play anymore and small wars between small factions, like, only a thousand planets participating. They protected that part of the Omniverse that barely had a role in the big scheme and as such were not very well protected by him.


Looking back, thhe Living Tribunal saw his brother still standing in the same place as befeore. Despite the dismissal, it did not seem like the Beyonder wanted to leave yet. In fact, he walked up to the Living Tribunal himself, conjured his own throne, and took place. After he sat down, he started talking to the Judge on the Throne.

'So Shirou-chan now has the hammer, hah? Good, very good. I have no doubt he will do great things with it. He can become a real hero now much sooner. The powers and abilities he has now will see to that.'

The Living Tribunal turned his head back to the Beyonder. 'Yes, I know that.'

'He will no longer be a human of course. Thor sent his essence as Skyfather along with Mjolnir, so Shirou will eventually become a Skyfather as well. Fortunately, it's close enough to human for normal interaction and for another kinds of, less innocent, activities to still take place. He is not a Skyfather yet of course, but as of now, he is no longer human either, he's slowly turning into a Marvel Asgardian, going from an ordinary one to a royal one and further, until he can go the full distance to become a Skyfather.'

The Living Tribunal now narrowed the eyes of the face of Equity. 'He was no human even before Mjolnir came to him. The Fire, Angra Mainyu, Avalon, and the Boss saw to that. But besides that, I agree. Already he is more than a human. Even if he were to put the hammer away at this very moment he'd remain more powerful than he was before. Those Asgardian are a superior species after all. But again, I knew all that already.'

'Naturally. They are much older and much further evolved, not to mention that they were engineered to be the most powerful beings they could be. They wouldn't be able to protect the nine realms if they were any less than the best.' The Beyonder continued.

'This also greatly helps with that Goddess Gaia.' The grinning being then said. 'Now that Shirou's no longer human, she, as well as Primate Murder and those space-vampires, will find him rather difficult to deal with. It helps that Thor, and now Shirou by default, is the son of Marvel's Gaia. It will grant him immunity to the effects she normally has humans under. Not right away of course, that too will develop slowly, as over time Shirou-chan will become more and more like Thor, but he will soon find that his Magecraft, especially the kind he gets from Mjolnir, will be a lot easier to handle.'

Now even the faces of Necessity and Just Revenge showed confusion as the Beyonder kept talking on. Still, the Living Tribunal answered.

'Yes, that will help him greatly, and even if it didn't, Shirou Emiya has been chosen for this program and he must see it to its end. Such has been decreed by both us and the Boss. No matter whether he is Gaia's son or not, she will not overly hinder him, lest we destroy her consciousness and simply anchor her Reality Marble to her Earth with our own power.'

Those ominous words said, the Living Tribunal leaned forward again, intending to address his building confusion. He brought his face close to the Beyonder's, and spoke.

'And again, both you and I knew that already. Why do you continue to speak about it? Why do you question me on these matters? We decided what to do well before this meeting and we can both see for ourselves what is happening with Emiya. Why do you seek so much confirmation now when it is unneeded?'

The Beyonder looked at him with surprised eyes, and then laughed loudly. 'Forgive me brother, it was not my intention to cause you grief. I merely wanted to help a bit.'

This did not clear the Living Tribunal's confusion. 'Who do you wish to help then, if not ourselves, brother?'

Now the grin became face-splitting. 'Who? The readers of course.'

The Beyonder almost burst into laughter at his brother's perplexed face. No doubt the grouch did not see that coming. It was hilarious, really. Totally worth the wait.

His brother now seemed to come out of his confusion, and then promptly started glaring again. 'The readers? Truly brother, ever since you met that hero Deadpool your fourth wall-breaking has been getting wildly out of hand. Why must you do this so blatantly?'

The Beyonder momentarily thought back of Deadpool, that guy had always had such great ideas, before responding. 'Well, you see, I wanted to help the author a bit.'

'And why did you deem that necessary?'


'Because there was confusion about his story apparently. Some things needed to be cleared up, so I decided to make an interlude you know. Just a bit of kindness.'

The Living Tribunal bristled. 'He is the author. He should be capable of conveying his intentions and story by himself, without our help.'

'That's really harsh. A little bit of help has never hurt anyone. Just clearing up a few matters, such as Shirou slowly becoming an Asgardian, Gaia losing her power over him and his Magecraft, him becoming the strongest being later on in the story. The basics.'

'Hardly the basics, though I acknowledge that those matters are difficult to convey at the beginning of a story.'

'I know, I had to think deeply about how to bring the information out there. I had thought of a few options, like 'sexposition', á la Game of Thrones, where someone is telling important plot information, while on the background you have naked people doing naughty things. I couldn't think of a way to bring that to a written story though, and writing smut while giving out details doesn't really work all that well.

Thor Hammer Time Video

Oh, and Author's notes are boring as hell.'

'So you decided to do it yourself then? By speaking to me about the plot points.' The Living Tribunal concluded. 'Well, if it is that important, I shall allow it. Say what you must.'

'Thanks a bunch brother, you won't regret it, promise.'

The Beyonder recollected his thoughts, took on a rhetoric pose and spoke:

'… '

'Hm, where was I again?'

'Space Vampires and Gaia.' Came the answer, in a lightly exasperated tone.

'Ah yes, well, those Shirou will fight aplenty. He shouldn't have too much trouble with it. He will have many adventures involving them of course, some exciting, others thrilling and some full of awesome ass-kicking.

Then there's the people he will meet on his journey. Plenty of them, some even from other series of the Nasu-Verse. Why, and so much will take place before the Grail War, like…'

'Do not reveal too much. I cannot allow you to already lay out everything that happens in the future. Fourth Wall-breaking isn't very good for the Balance you know, especially not when it is you doing it.'

'Oof, alright then. I'll wrap it up for now. Important to note is that no more characters from Marvel or otherwise are going to be appearing any time soon. This story is about Shirou and his adventures in the Nasu-Verse. No other crossover-elements are allowed.'

'What about the two of us then.'

'We are beings that exist throughout all of the Omniverse, we are everywhere. And if we are present anywhere in the Omniverse, then wouldn't it be normal for us to be in every story ever, without making it a crossover?'

'I see your point. This is all that you are allowed to say, but I must admit that I have a question for you. You added a small feature to Mjolnir, one the hammer was glad to accept. What did you give it?'

The Beyonder now lost his grin. Something that shocked the Living Tribunal. Its place was then taken by a small, almost evil smile, one that made the Living Tribunal feel pity for whoever that smile was meant for.

'I gave Mjolnir an enormous boost against worms, body-stealing parasites and mind-control spells.'

'… A wise decision. I take you added mind-control resistance too? Emiya cannot be the one being mind-controlled. That would spell disaster.'

'No no, of course not. He was almost impossible to control in such a way before the hammer arrived, through his strength of will and partial loss of humanity. His metamorphosis into an Asgardian has made him altogether completely impossible to control for any being below Gods, Nasu-verse gods, I mean. And even those will find it impossible a few years from now, when Shirou has grown a bit.'

'Good. Then I believe we have covered everything for now? Or are there more matters you wish to speak of?'

'As a matter of fact, there are a few. Namely the others chosen for this project. The ones Mjolnir passed up on but were still enough for at least some consideration?'

'I know of them. Though they did not receive Mjolnir, they will be powered in their own ways, will they not?'

'Indeed, and unlike with the Power of Thor, the Boss has left this matter in our hands.'

'Then I will make preparations at once, I already have some candidates that I will bestow power on.'

'Just make sure you don't take the ones I have chosen. We will need quite a few, so I hope the author is up to some writing. That said, do you need the list of who I have chosen?'

'I already know your list, brother. And no, you will not be repeating it in here for the readers. They will have to find out for themselves.'

'How fun.'


'But all this talking about stories and power has gotten me thinking brother. What if we, The Living Tribunal and the Beyonder, were to join other stories? Like, join for real, to help fix all the trouble on other worlds. Would people be interested?'

His golden sibling mulled that over for a few seconds, but then shook his head. 'No, we are omnipotent and omniscient, we can do everything and there is no one who can hurt or hinder us. Any being we encounter would not dare to fight us, except for some fools that we would crush easily. I believe we would be Mary Sue's. No one wants to read about us. Do not suggest it again.'

And with that said, the Living Tribunal turned away. The Beyonder could see that the conversation was truly over now, and that no more would be discussed today.

He left, as quietly as he had arrived. Calmly, he made his way over to the chosen ones. Those who were supposed to serve and protect the Omniverse in a few years' time. He had to make sure he would choose wisely.

Despite the seriousness of his task, the weight that rested on his shoulders, he felt his grin widen further than was possible on a human face.

Thors Hammer Amazon

How fun indeed.

Author's note:

So, a small chapter explaining some things. There seemed to be confusion about the subject, so I tried to clear it up a bit for you all.

I think the Beyonder already told you everything else.

I am also terribly sorry if anyone out there is feeling like I am procrastinating with the real story, but I have seen too many stories with way too fast pacing. I did not like those at all and I have sworn to properly explain and work out everything in my stories.

So it can be a bit slow every now and then.

If you disliked the chapter, then that is completely understandable. It is not my best work ever, not by a long shot (I have written worse things though). It is the last chapter of its kind, I hope.


Edited later for better flow and choice of words.

Now I get it! There was almost too long of a lag between Iron Man 2 and Thor, but now I finally get what that post-credits scene in IM2 was all about. I loved that movie, but I admit I was scratching my head after that last scene, the one that pans back across the New Mexico desert to reveal . . . Thor's hammer! That was a year ago, and the folks at Marvel Studios certainly took their sweet time getting Thor's story to the big screen. But I'm glad they finally made it happen, because it was a great way for the Webbers to kick-off the summer movie season.

Thor has been out for a while now, and I know many of you have already seen it. But if you haven't, what's the hold up? Thor has it all – other-worldly battles, snappy costumes, and a compelling combination of fish-out-of-water and revenge-against-my-brother stories. If it's eye candy you're wanting, look no further than Thor himself, played by Chris Hemsworth. If he isn't enough to get you gals to the cineplex, I'm not sure anything can. But don't worry, there's someone for everyone in Thor. It even has that ubiquitous ballerina, Natalie Portman!

If all that's still not enough to recommend it, we can always rely on Anthony Hopkins to save the day. Yes, this is a comic book movie, but Hopkins automatically classes up the place. He makes everything he stars in seem a little bit like Masterpiece Theatre. If you look at it that way, it's practically educational!

Thor Hammer Drawing

Mamma Mia! fans will enjoy an all-too-rare glimpse of Stellan Skarsgård, who plays Portman's mentor, and RocknRolla fans will enjoy seeing Idris Elba as Heimdall, guardian of Asgard. Let's just say he is not your average doorman! And of course, Thor wouldn't be complete without the obligatory tie-back to Iron Man's Tony Stark. It's just one big Marvel-ous world out there. Go enjoy it!

Thor Hammer Toy

See the trailer for Thor here:

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