How To Play Sugar

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On desktop, select a level (e.g., the circle below 1) and then click Play! At the bottom of the pop-up window. You may be prompted to allow notifications if you're playing on mobile. Jan 13, 2021 Instrumental Am Em C D Am Verse 2 Am Em Sweet talking lady, love how you entice C D Am Sugar with just the right amount of spice Am Em Charming, alluring, everyone's desire C D Am She's out to get you, you can't run, you can't hide Am Em She's something mystical in colored lights C D Am So far from typical, but take my advice Am Em Before. Coffee is awesome but it's even better with lots of sugar in it! Can you fill this mug all the way to the top? Sugar Sugar - Play Sugar Sugar online at

Sugar futures are standardized, exchange-traded contracts in which the contract buyer agrees to take delivery, from the seller, a specific quantity of sugar (eg. 112000 pounds) at a predetermined price on a future delivery date.

Sugar Futures Exchanges

You can trade Sugar futures at NYSE Euronext (Euronext) and Tokyo Grain Exchange (TGE).

Euronext Raw Sugar (No. 408) futures prices are quoted in dollars and cents per pound and are traded in lot sizes of 112000 pounds (50 long tons).

Euronext White Sugar (No. 407) futures are traded in units of 50 tonnes and contract prices are quoted in dollars and cents per metric ton.

TGE Raw Sugar futures prices are quoted in yen per metric ton and are traded in lot sizes of 50 tonnes .

How To Play Sugar Sugar By Archies

Exchange & Product NameSymbolContract SizeInitial Margin
Euronext Raw Sugar (No. 408) Futures
(Price Quotes)
RSU112000 pounds
(Full Contract Spec)
USD 1,456 (approx. 12%)
(Latest Margin Info)
Euronext White Sugar (No. 407) Futures
(Price Quotes)
WSG50 tonnes
(Full Contract Spec)
USD 1,650 (approx. 10%)
(Latest Margin Info)
TGE Raw Sugar Futures
(Price Quotes)
-50 tonnes
(Full Contract Spec)
JPY 75,000 (approx. 6%)
(Latest Margin Info)

Sugar Futures Trading Basics

Consumers and producers of sugar can manage sugar price risk by purchasing and selling sugar futures. Sugar producers can employ a short hedge to lock in a selling price for the sugar they produce while businesses that require sugar can utilize a long hedge to secure a purchase price for the commodity they need.

Sugar futures are also traded by speculators who assume the price risk that hedgers try to avoid in return for a chance to profit from favorable sugar price movement. Speculators buy sugar futures when they believe that sugar prices will go up. Conversely, they will sell sugar futures when they think that sugar prices will fall.

Game sugar sugar

Learn More About Sugar Futures & Options Trading

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