How To Play Street Dice

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Also known as Tripps. This is a simple gambling game, played with five dice. A popular street game played makeshift in alleyways or living rooms.


Each player antes one betting unit (usually a dollar, pound, euro, etc) into the pot and they then take it in turn throwing the dice. The object of the game is to score the lowest total amount by adding up the spot values of all five set aside dice but counting 3s as zeroes.

Each player has up to five rolls of the dice, but must set at least one aside after each throw. Once a dice is set aside, it may not be rolled again.

The best possible score after all the dice have been set aside is 0 (3-3-3-3-3), but should any player roll 6-6-6-6-6 ('Shooting the Moon'), they win instantly with no further play

In the event of equally low scores, tied players ante an additional unit into the pot and play again.

The winner takes the pot and rolls first in the next game.

For A Comprehensive List Of Dice Games, Visit...

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  • The main terms used by other players in street dice will help you understand the game much better and get a good idea about street craps. As the rules of street craps stipulate, gamers need two regular dice to play with. Keep in mind that some cheaters may use trick dice to make sure the bets of the players lose.
  • Jul 23, 2018 This requires the cheat to be an expert at palming, meaning being able to conceal one set of dice in your hand and then bring them into play while simultaneously removing the other dice.
  • The dice must hit the wall on the other side of the table when throwing the dice. If one or both dice are thrown off the table, the stickman (or another dealer) must inspect them before using them again. Players can decline to be the shooter. If so, the dice go to the next bettor to the player's left.

The Street Craps, sometimes called Shooting Dice or Ghetto Craps is similar to casino craps but is played without a craps table. The name comes from the way that the game was played in the late 1900's; on city streets and sidewalks.

A pair of dice is used in the game and the players make wagers on the outcome of rolling the dice. In street craps wagers are made against money that players put up against each other.

How to play street dice rules

Street Craps Rules

  1. Players must first identify the player who will be shooting dice – the shooter. The shooter will then need to make a bet followed by the rest of the group in the clockwise direction. Each player can cover a portion of or all of the shooter's bet. Betting continues until the shooter's wager is matched.
  2. The come out roll comes next. This is the game's first roll and it could end the game if it is a 7, 11, 2, 3 or 12. The shooter and any other player who bet in favor of the shooter win the game if a 7 or 11 is rolled. If a 2, 3 or 12 come up when the dice are rolled the shooter and other players who bet for him lose.
  3. A Point number, which is a number other than those mentioned above, must be set up. So if the come out roll is not any of those numbers listed above that number will be designated as the point number.
  4. The roll is next and the goal is for the shooter to roll the number identified as the point before he rolls a 7. The 7 is referred to an 'Out 7' and once the shooter gets this before rolling the point he loses the game.
  5. Rolling dice proceeds until a 7 or the Point is rolled. The shooter loses if the 7 comes up and wins if the Point is rolled. If other numbers are rolled the shooter continues rolling the dice. The round ends only after a 7 or the point is rolled.

Is Dice Control In Craps Real?

How To Play Street Dice

Street Craps Rules

  1. Players must first identify the player who will be shooting dice – the shooter. The shooter will then need to make a bet followed by the rest of the group in the clockwise direction. Each player can cover a portion of or all of the shooter's bet. Betting continues until the shooter's wager is matched.
  2. The come out roll comes next. This is the game's first roll and it could end the game if it is a 7, 11, 2, 3 or 12. The shooter and any other player who bet in favor of the shooter win the game if a 7 or 11 is rolled. If a 2, 3 or 12 come up when the dice are rolled the shooter and other players who bet for him lose.
  3. A Point number, which is a number other than those mentioned above, must be set up. So if the come out roll is not any of those numbers listed above that number will be designated as the point number.
  4. The roll is next and the goal is for the shooter to roll the number identified as the point before he rolls a 7. The 7 is referred to an 'Out 7' and once the shooter gets this before rolling the point he loses the game.
  5. Rolling dice proceeds until a 7 or the Point is rolled. The shooter loses if the 7 comes up and wins if the Point is rolled. If other numbers are rolled the shooter continues rolling the dice. The round ends only after a 7 or the point is rolled.

Is Dice Control In Craps Real?

It is important that you remember that all bets should be made before the come out roll and you will only win what you bet. As you can see the street craps rules are very similar to rules of casino craps.

A pair of dice is used in the game and the players make wagers on the outcome of rolling the dice. In street craps wagers are made against money that players put up against each other. Street Craps Rules. Players must first identify the player who will be shooting dice – the shooter. The shooter will then need to make a bet followed by the rest of the group in the clockwise direction.

Street Craps vs Casino Craps

Rules of street craps vary from casino craps in several ways. The first obvious variation is the absence of a banker. In the street version there is no specific person to handle the money, monitor the bets and pay the winners.

Rules Of Craps

Another difference is that there is no craps table when playing the more informal street craps. This is a disadvantage because it then becomes more difficult to place complicated bets. Due to this street craps usually will only have two betting options – Pass and Don't Pass. This is limited especially when compared to the numerous options available in casino craps.

See Full List On

A final and very important difference between casino craps and street craps is that the latter is generally illegal. Players must keep their play secret and if they are caught they will face stiff fines.

With this in mind you can decide if you want to play the rolling dice game live and face possible problems with the authorities or you can play the casino version in an offline casino or online.

Category craps information | Tags: , street craps

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